Trouble Sleeping? We Can Help

It’s a familiar feeling for many: You lay there awake, trying to will yourself to sleep or trying to recapture the sleep you were experiencing just a few minutes ago. Unfortunately, the minutes become hours as you restlessly seek a position in bed that can finally let you get some shut-eye. The next day, you feel less than your best as you slog through your schedule.
If you know this scenario all too well, you may be suffering from insomnia. About 10% of the US population suffers from insomnia, and 33% experience at least one symptom of insomnia almost every night. This common sleep disorder can have serious health consequences. Thankfully, there are ways to treat insomnia and achieve a night of restful sleep.
Are you part of the 33% suffering from the symptoms of insomnia? If so, come in to see the team at Rimma Gelbert, DO. As a doctor of osteopathic medicine, Dr. Gelbert uses both conventional and alternative methods to holistically treat insomnia. She’s a member of the American Osteopathic Association and holds board certification from the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians.
Defining insomnia
Insomnia is a disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep or causes you to wake up too early. There are two main kinds of insomnia: acute and chronic.
Acute insomnia lasts anywhere from one night to a few weeks and is usually triggered by stress or a traumatic event — think of struggling to sleep in the days before a big test. Chronic insomnia is defined as suffering through insomnia at least three times a week for three months or more.
Insomnia causes
Insomnia can be categorized by its cause. Primary insomnia indicates that the disorder isn’t tied to other health problems. Secondary insomnia is insomnia caused by a health condition (like asthma), pain, or substance abuse. Other potential catalysts for insomnia include:
- Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and other substances that are stimulants or depressants
- Stress
- Disrupted schedule
- Medications
- Poor sleep habits
- Uncomfortable sleeping environment
Age may also play a factor in insomnia. As you get older, you may find that your sleep is less restful or is often interrupted.
Consequences of insomnia
Although you’re technically at rest during sleep, your body is still hard at work during this downtime. Your brain is processing the information and experiences of the day while growth hormones are helping to regenerate the body’s cells and support healing. When you’re not sleeping, you miss out on these processes and may experience some of the following health issues:
- Decreased reaction time
- Increased clumsiness
- Increased risk of long-term conditions
- Mental health disorders like anxiety and depression
- Poor performance at work or school
- Irritability
- Problems with concentration and memory
Insomnia may also increase your stress levels as you become worried about missing sleep.
Treating insomnia
Dr. Gelbert performs a full exam and analysis of your symptoms to help identify the exact source of your insomnia. If necessary, she may perform tests to rule out certain diseases or conditions as the underlying cause of your sleeplessness.
She may recommend supplements or medications that have been proven to help reverse insomnia or restore good sleeping patterns. Lifestyle recommendations also factor into your treatment plan, including:
- Creating a calm and comfortable sleeping space
- Keeping a consistent bedtime
- Limiting alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco use
Dr. Gelbert treats each patient on a case-by-case basis. You get customized care to help you finally get the sleep you need to be your best.
Don’t let another sleepless night bleed into a drowsy day. The team at Rimma Gelbert, DO, can help you when you have trouble sleeping. Call or book an appointment at our Brooklyn, New York, office today.
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